Boat Show Schedule
Next show will be 1st & 2nd March, 2025.
Day Schedule
NB: Weather conditions and class entry numbers may change schedule.
Display on land (8.00am - 1.00pm).
8.00am - 11.00am - Registration
11.00am - Briefing for all participants (Registration tent)
Power boat activities
Minis - small outboards up to 40hp.
Jetsons - jet boats
Grunters - runabouts over 40hp, and up to 19 feet
Monsters - large motorboats/outboard boats over 10 feet
2.00pm - Drive-past. Gather west of West Jetty for All Boats Drive-Past.
Typical Race Schedule (starts from 2.15pm approx.)
1. Sailing(may change depending on wind), Course 4
2. Rowing Race (incl. Competitive Class), Course 2
3. Seagulls’ Race (incl. Modified Class), Course 2 (twice)
4. Poppers, 1 Cylinder class and Multi-Cylinder class, Course 3
5. Steamboat Parade, Course 3 twice
6. Kids rowing, Course 1
7. Sailing (may change depending on wind), Course 4
8. Canoe race, Course 1
9. Small outboards under 10hp, Course 3
10. Womens’ Rowing, Course 2
11. Family Rowing, Course2
12. Sculling, Start line to West Jetty
13. Swimming, Beach start to Buoy to Beach
Open Lake after last race - 5 knots within 200m of shore applies
Saturday Evening Function.
Commodore’s Award Ceremony at the Alpine Lodge Bar from 9pm, Sat 1st March, 2025.
All are welcome, there is no door charge. Bar prices apply.
Buffet meal available at the Alpine Lodge from 6 pm. Tickets must be pre-purchased via the Registration form when entries open on Jan 1 2025. Numbers are limited, must be booked and paid for by 14 February, and will be allocated on a first in, first served basis.
Come along to meet up with old and new friends in the glorious Alpine Lodge.
Day 2
Day 2 schedule will be similar to Day 1, and will be confirmed on the day.
Events may be added or removed at Commodore’s discretion.
Weather dependent.